Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Small Towns

This was shared by a friend of mine about her Grandparents very small town in Iowa. Makes you wonder about the generation gap here:

So last summer a family of Mexicans moved across from my grandparents. The whole town freaked out. They had meetings about it! They had to find a way to make them leave. So they started dumping garbage bags on their cars in the middle of the night. No one was to talk to them. They just messed with their stuff till they left town. I tryed to tell my Gramdma and pa that you cant run people out of town like that anymore. They told me they sure can.

Now, mind you this is the same friend of mine that when she visits this small town, her activities while there (like rollerblading) make the newspaper.

New Definition of a Two 'Fer

From the Star Tribune:

Two Wisconsin men driving same truck at same time cited for DWI

ABBOTSFORD, Wis. — Two Dorchester men driving one truck at the same time were cited for drunken driving in the Abbotsford area about 170 miles northwest of Madison.
Harvey J. Miller, 43, who has no legs, steered the 1985 Chevrolet truck while Edwin H. Marzinske, 55, operated the brake and gas pedals, according to a report from the Colby/Abbotsford police.
Miller, who was sitting in the driver's seat, admitted he'd had too much to drink but argued that he wasn't really operating the truck since he had no legs to push the pedals, the report said. He received a citation for a third drunken driving offense.
Marzinske was cited for a second drunken driving offense.
Both men also were cited for driving after their licenses had been revoked.
A third man in the truck, also drunk, walked himself home after the Aug. 18 traffic stop, police said.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Another World's Dumbest . . . .

Also from News of the Wierd:

Least Competent Criminals: In May, Damion Mosher, 18, of Lake Luzerne, N.Y., became the most recent person to injure himself by needing to find out if putting a bullet into a vise and hitting it with a screwdriver would cause it to fire. (It would; he was slightly wounded.) [Post Star (Glens Falls, N.Y.), 5-14-07]

Freak Alert!

From News of the Weird:

Kyle Krichbaum, 12, of Adrian, Mich., has had an obsession with vacuum cleaners since infancy, when he was mesmerized by the whirring, said his mother, and for years, he says, he has enjoyed vacuuming so much that he does the house up to five times a day, with one of the 165 new and used vacuum cleaners in his collection. Said a former teacher, "It's not that he didn't like recess. He just preferred to stay inside vacuuming." Older sister Michelle, interviewed for a July CBS News profile of Kyle, spoke for all of us: "He's constantly vacuuming. I'm just like 'why, why, why, why, why, why?' I don't understand." [WCCO-TV (Minneapolis), 7-27-07]

Big Mac Museum - I am SO there!

I laughed so hard when I saw this. In an earlier post, I pontificated on the weirdness of various monuments, stautes, etc. What I obviously overlooked was the weird-ass museums that are out there. Case in point - a museum dedicated to the Big Mac. Now my skinny ass loves big macs - and I make no apologies for it. However, the idea of a museum to the greassy coagulation of flavors intrigued me. Wonder if Travelocity offers a vacation package there?

Some history on the Big Mac:
The Big Mac was first introduced in 1967 by Jim Delligatti, a McDonald's franchise owner in Uniontown, Pa. A year later, it became a staple of McDonald's menus nationwide.
To celebrate the burger's anniversary, Delligatti, 89, and his family opened a Big Mac Museum Restaurant this week in North Huntingdon, Pa., full of memorabilia, celebratory exhibits and "the world's largest Big Mac statue."

For those who wonder what is really in a Big Mac (you are losers) but here it is:
Indeed, the sandwich has become a veritable pop culture phenomenon, spawning everything from an impossible-to-forget jingle ("Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame-seed bun," anyone?) to a currency-evaluation index created by The Economist.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Wait . . . this famous person is missing what body part?

I saw the following headline on CNN and did a double take:
Missing body parts of famous people


Click on the above link and learn who is missing what.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Study of a politicians brain reveals . . . . not much there. Literally.

From News of the Weird:
Latest in Brain Science: French neurologists writing recently in the journal The Lancet described their surprise in finding, via brain scans, that a normally functioning 44-year-old man had a brain "more than 50 percent to 75 percent" smaller than average, consisting of little more than a thin sheet of brain material surrounding a large fluid buildup. (The man is employed as a French government bureaucrat.) [New Scientist, 7-20-07]

Sunday, August 19, 2007

1970's era military on acid?

Project Jedi is an alleged project undertaken by the United States military in the late 1970s to create a super soldier that would possess superior strength, intelligence, cunning, and intuition by utilizing neuro-linguistic programming techniques. It is thought to have been conducted at Fort Bragg under the United States Army Special Operations Command. It is not specifically known when the program began and/or if it has ended.

Entering Heaven Alive?

I am a fan of wikipedia - I must admit to that right now. I love looking at random articles, and often find myself sucked into following links on pages. However, I ran across this and just stopped. I mean STOPPED. I have never heard of this religious concept, and thought it very thought provoking:

The concept of humans directly entering heaven without dying is a feature of multiple religions and mythic traditions, including the three main Abrahamic religionsJudaism, Christianity, Islam. Since death is generally considered the normal end to an individual's life on earth, entering heaven without dying first is considered exceptional and usually a sign of God's special recognition of the individual's piety.

Ok - you enter heaven without dying. Then what? You come back, tell people about it and get locked in a loony bin for life? Or do you sit in silence knowing the answers to some of the great questions of life after death? Seriously - are there no better options?

Tourniquet anybody?

Also from News of the Weird - and I would imagine soon to be seen on world's dumbest criminals:

A burglar was killed trying to sneak into the Maranatha Used Clothing store in Miami on May 31; police said the man had crawled between the blades of a large, idle ventilation fan but that before getting all the way through, he accidentally tripped the "on" switch.

Leave it to a Monk not to get Pissed

From News of the Weird:

A toddler broke from his mother's supervision in May at the Rhime Buddhist Center in Kansas City, Mo., and accidentally trampled the meticulously created colored-sand picture that eight monks had to that point spent two days creating, but the monks impressively responded with patience. "No problem," said one, from India's Geshe Lobsang Sumdup monastery. We have three days more (before the show closes). So we will have to work harder."

Love Bug Or Just An Annoying Insect?

I am a victim of the "love bug". I am pleased to report that I am a willing sufferer of this malody currently - and would never want to get rid of my current assailant. Unfortunately, when I have been bitten before - raging "side effects" always seemed to follow. Which led me to wonder something very basic - how can you tell when somebody you love will turn out to be a utter asshole? When they become said asshole, can you write that relationship off as just love - not LOVE?

Unless you have been a victim of a horrendous marriage like I have I don't think one can understand quite accurately the plight this puts you in. You beloved (who you have sworn to love honor and trust) uses you as a punching bag, chokes you into unconsiousness, and otherwise makes your life a living hell. Then he cheats on you (with your best friend and number one sympathizer none the less), and leaves you pregnant and alone. So, I can understand how you can fall OUT of love with a person like that. However, I still can't figure out how men like this keep finding women to fall in love with them. My ex abuser/husband is happily married, and by all accounts a loving husband (like I believe that for a second).

The "love of my life" as I like to call him and I are living a happy existence "shacking up" and loving it. My daughter and him get along great, and I have never been happier in my life. Even so, I can't help but wonder - what makes certain men (present company DEFINATELY not included) abusers and what makes others (present company DEFINATELY included) wonderful, loving individuals?

Maybe it is too much riboflavin.

Friday, August 17, 2007

A monument to What!?

I love monuments - especially odd ones. My hometown has Smokey the Bear and a Giant Thermometer. Blackduck has (you guessed it) a big black duck. Bemidji has Paul Bunyun, and I won't even get started on the number of fish monuments that there are in this country. One would expect that war heroes, town celebrities, or politicians of yore get monuments. However, this one really stumped me. I mean what is the reasoning behind this anyway?


That's right folks - if you clicked on the link, you are looking at a Monument to Benedict Arnold's injured foot at Saratoga National Historical Park.

Now, any war hereo's injured foot is one thing -- but come on - a traitor?!

Why am I hearing the theme song from Deliverence?

I understand that in ye olde times, people got married young. In other cultures, they sometimes still get married young - very young. However, here in the good ole' US of A one would think that unless you scrape your knuckles when walking - you won't marry your kids off before they are old enough to hit puberty. One can always hope - because apparently in Arkansas, people of ANY age can get married with a partent's approval.


Pencils, Paper, Ruler, Cavlar . . . wait a minute!

I understand that school shootings are becoming more prevelant. If you listen to one of my media hating friends, he would say that they are not happening more, but the media is just reporting on them more. I don't think so! Just to prove that this country is fricking nuts, check out these companies that wants to provide cavlar vests to all students! Anything to make a buck off of people's fear I guess. . .


What's up with Wayne?

I saw this on news of the weird (want to give them proper credit here), and it struck me that the three name killer phenomonon is really strange (to say the least). Anyway, here is the link and a preview. There is a "Wayne" list at the end, with state's included.


It only occurred to me in the early 1990s that "Wayne" was a popular middle name among a few of the most heinous murderers of our time, e.g., the clown John Wayne Gacy (who killed almost three dozen boys and young men in the late 1970s and buried most of them beneath the floorboards of his Des Plaines, Ill., home) and Elmer Wayne Henley (sentenced to six consecutive life terms in 1974 in Houston for his role, with ringleader Dean Allen Corll, in the murders of 27 young men). I began to publish periodic lists in 1996, and soon readers made sure I never missed a one that made the news.

Life can be hard sometimes

You know life - in whatever form (work, home, family, social) can be hard sometimes. Rather than get down on life as I am prone to do, I have decided to start writing out some rants, raves, and opinions on it. I will also post interesting, funny or just plan ridiculous stuff on here. Hopefully, this will cut down on my number of forwards to people!

So, grab a Mike's hard berry and enjoy!