Thursday, October 25, 2007

Now Hiring Minions . . . . Apply Within

Have you ever been so fustrated with life in general that you just want to run around screaming at the top of your lungs to everybody that has pissed you off? Maybe I am truely certifiable, but when people piss me off I tend to put on a nice smile and just try to ignore the fact I am pissed. The down side of this is that if too many people piss you off in one chunk of time, your brain has no choice but to start leaking the pent up frustrations in the forms of dirtly looks, under the breath obsenities and general grumpiness.

However - I have come up with a solution to all of MY problems.

I hereby declare myself master of the universe. Anybody who pisses me off, frustrates me, or annoys me will be paid a visit by one of my trusty minions to have your lips either super glued shut or sewn closed.

If you object, you will just annoy me further.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would like this JOB.