Monday, October 8, 2007

Stupid People Tick Me Off

Stupid people tick me off. Even worse are stupid people who think that they are smart. My tick off list currently stands at the below. I reserve the right to add to it as people continue to show their stupidity.
1. George W Bush
2. Jesse Ventura
3. Anybody with the last name of Bush.
4. Anybody who thinks people in Northern MN are open minded.
5. The guy in the gray Toyota who cut me off this morning.
6. Anybody who works at Comcast.
7. Anybody who works at Xcell.
8. My downstairs neighbors.
9. My ex's entire family.
10. Anybody who pisses me off.


Krystin Ryder said...

OMG........I cant stop laughing! I think this is the best one yet and I love that you added that anything can be added to your list...still ROFLMAO!

Unknown said...

LOL I agree. I need me one of those lists!!! Mine would be really really long.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.