Friday, December 5, 2008

This or That

Some years ago, a friend introduced me to a totally fun waste of time called "this or that". The way it goes is that you give two things, and the other person has to choose which one they would prefer. Simple right? However, this "game" can get dangerously gross and somewhat distrubing. Some of the more "unusual questions" that have came up include:

Getting stabbed in the eye or Getting stabbed in the ear.
Having hemmohroids for life or Having diarrhea for life.

You get the drift. That made me wonder what the people reading (and I know there are only a few) this blog could come up with to top that. Please post away!


Anonymous said...

Becoming a paraplegic at the age of 23 or Giving birth to a disabled child?

Unknown said...

Wanting something you should not want or getting something you should not get?

Craig A. Mullenbach said...

Lose your sight or lose your hearing

Jaime said...

Die by drowning or by fire?